Sunday, 31 July 2011

How to become famous (Popular Penguin)

Being famous is really hard to do, and if you wish to have everyone hang out with you, well heres how.

1. Create a YouTube, Twitter and a Blog (You can have Facebook if you like)
2. Make a Xat and put it on your website
3. Chat to People (People will be saying "Hey I know you!" and follow you a bit)
4. Make a Adding Party or a Group Party 
5. Penguins will start talking to other penguins when your offline saying "(Your Penguin Name) is famous"
6. Make Your Club Penguin TV Show and Make CPMVS, Interviewings, and meeting other famous penguins
7. You will get more views, subscribers and friends. You need to make playlists for your Club Penguin TV Show
8. Make something really fun and entertaining, like a CPPS or a Game (But you can make something else too if you don't wanna do that)
9. Log back in club penguin and lots of people would like to hang out with you
10. Done, Mission Acomplished!

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